2 months
I have been working as RPN for 2 months... and the feeling being a nurse is nerve wrecking for me. I am working as a part time Permanent Relief RPN in the hospital. Staffing owns me..they send me everywhere when i am needed to cover the regular nurses on the unit to book off.
The hospital i work at has 8 different units- Behavioural units (3 units) Palliative (2 units) Complex Care (2 units) and Rehab unit. Every unit has their very own routine of doing things... and each shift of each unit again has their very own routine.
Certain units , the regular nurses do not like we relief nurses..due to they are afraid we cannot perform to their standards due to we are relief.
As a new graduate and new hired...it is very overwhelming for me every single time i am send to different floor to work. Every day going to work is a suspense ..not knowing where u r going..and how are your patients like. Furthermore...nurses there..not all are friendly to help you.
I am desperate to apply for a permanent line in one unit..where i can find my routine..and get to know my patients and plan my care for them. I really wish i can get a line in Behavioural units...that's my passion..working with ppl with mentally challenge behaviour.
you are brave to want to work in behavioral!
I pray you will get your wish come true eh.. :) you deserve to be happy at home and at work. I've seen you worked so hard to get where you are .. Gene.. ! i really, really salute you.
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