Wednesday, August 24, 2005

sucky friday nite

Walau what a nite on Friday! I was prepared and ready for the busy nite at work but didn't expect to be really really superb busy!
We had rain and thunder storm that nite and Toronto was flooded by the heavy rain. Everyone called pizza for dinner. Mannnn.. why can't they order somethingelse huh?
The phone calls came in non-stop. WOrst part was all the customers were hungry and frustrated from the long wait to place the order.
Sigh... i was frustrated too that nite due too didn't get to go for washroom break at all and have to deal with mean customers!

Those customers thought they can get free pizza due to the rain and storm. Too bad some of the pizza store were forced to close due to no electrical power. Walauuuu when u told them the store were closed they got even more mad and curse you on the phone. Well i understand their frustration but at least dun curse mannn... be more like normal human being ler..
If the store close..then call other pizza store la..what soo difficult?

I really dun understand some ppl can really have the attitude to do such a thing. Just pray for them ... to calm down and behave more normal.
If day they sure got heart attack or something. Always loose cannon ..i mean temper.

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