Saturday, July 16, 2005

couldn't sleep

Is almost 1 am now and I am still awake. Dunno why, maybe because my back is giving me problems.
Yesterday i had pretty bad backache in the middle of the nite and i ended up sleeping on the floor.
Hmm dunno why.
Besides that, Kit is snoring too loud and i couldn't concentrate my i thought maybe i go blog la..

Yesterday i had pretty long shift compared to the one i usual had. I worked from 5 till 9.30 pm. Boyyy, my ear is pretty sore with those ear phone thing on for hours.
I had one customer ordered 21 large pizza for pick up and cost her abt 217.17 ..whoohooo..that is alot man..there must be a party or something. At first i thought she was kidding only..but she sounded very serious.
Oh well, some ppl can just spend money like that..i cannot afford. It depends, if we are having party, we will probably have something else ... not just peperoni pizzaa.

Later on i will have another long shift too..oh boyyyyy gonna be a long day for me. ..with all the grocery shopping, banking, etc and work starts at 4.30pm.
Pretty busy busy day i can foresee it.
Luckily i get sunday off :)

I hope i will have pleasant customers later.


Joez said...

kesian...u consider lucky liao, last time in service sales, i was on call from 9am to 6pm, 90% of the calls...customers were nasty!
I am so tired back from movie, shopping and visiting Koko...he should be discharged on this Monday. I gotta get to work on my report...enjoy yr weekend dear.

Anonymous said...

Maybe your mattress is not the right fit..I had that problem before. I used to have poor sleep and achy back and feel tired all the time.