Friday, May 25, 2007


Man, today is not my day at all! I didn't get any sleep from yesterday due it was too hot and humid plus Ryan was awake till quite late due to same reason.
PIL woke 4 am to get ready to go to work...and everyday when they got up, i sure got awaken from the noise and the smell of toast bread...
sigh...i was soo frustrated today and my mood was very bad.

Worst part was i have driving lesson. Ai yo..i tell ya... last week i was okie one..i have the confident to control the car and everything..but today...really "hak chai" man...
Even the traffic is not helping at all..

I made soo many mistakes till the instructor was surprised!
I learned my lesson, never drive when u r tired or moody!

The thing is i am going to sit for my driving test this coming thursday..
DIE la me!
what to do mannnnnn!
seriously i am freaking out...
everyone tell yo..what to freak out...if fail..go for second time..
well u situation is different..
i can't afford for second time... money and time wise..
I already paid soo much for the lesson...each session 25 bucks for 40 mins...sometimes i go for double session..

So please..can everyone pray for me!!! Pretty please..
test is on Thursday at 11.25 am.



Anonymous said...

Praying for you .. Gene..!
You can do it..!

Mommibee says HI from Sydney said...

poor u! will keep u in my prayers. is it thursday the 31st May? may i ask how many lessons were need? I totally understand ur situation, u simply cant afford having to sit through it a second time even if u hv the extra money. C'mon Gene u can do it!!

Gene Lim said...

Mamabok : Thank you Jan..thank you very much :)

Grace: yea..31st May... well, i go by hours one...and according to my confident lor..if i feel i need more..i will take more lor...
Thank you Grace..thank you very much :)

Joez said...

God will be with you to guide you, no worries. I was nervous too...but once you said your prayers, HE will 'drive' for you ;)

Gene Lim said...

Sis: thanks! I will...thank you for praying for me :)