Tuesday, March 15, 2005


TOday we are going to talk about weather... well to someone may be boring..but it is very important topic for Canadians..yup... must talk about weather everyday. We also have 3 TV Channels that stress only weather...sooo..u can see how important the weather to the Canadians eh!

Canadian version of conversation about weather:-
(winter time)
Stranger 1: Hey..how's it going today?
Stranger 2: NOt bad not bad..thanks...how abt u?
Stranger 1: Today the weather is bit cold eh.
Stranger 2: Nahhhh...is okie for me.... but should be worst this coming evening..i heard is going to snow for 20 cm tonite
Stranger 1: Yaiks! hate it hate it....its been weeks snowing..when is it going to stop eh? I hate shovelling the snow man.. Felt miserable cooped inside the house man..
Stranger 2: what u expect eh... is CANADA! GET USED TO IT!

Malaysian version of conversation abt weather;-
Stranger 1: heyy...lo hu bo? chiak pa boay?
Stranger 2: heyyy...ho ho ho..lu leh? wa chiak pa liao lor
Stranger 1: Aii yoo...em chai ha mi su..kin jit kai juakkkk nya lor... juak ka wa lau kua... ai yo..ta ta jit wa de be chang aik em chai kui tao liao lor....
Stranger 2: de si lor...bo air con eh si lor....that's why we tua ji peng maa... shopping mall..air con fleee eh ar... *grin*
Stranger1: si lor si lor...ah bo... wa lang eh tean seh tar tiuk kiii eh..if wa lang tua chuuuu arrr..

See...opposite from CAnada, Malaysia is hottttt...and have to take shower dunno how many times... till Penang dam also dried out liao...oh oh..not dried out totally..but half full nya lorrrrrr...



Joez said...

Hey Sis...hahaha...walau eh, in Canada but still know Penang's dam half full eh...not bad...some more can write jokes...relief stress eh ;)

Gene Lim said...

yea la...waht to do..ryan drives me nuts..hehehehe
hey i also kepo ppl blog whatttttttt :P